Eat Well, Feel Well, Save the Planet

Earth day is a day to remind ourselves how important our daily food choices are when it comes to the well-being of not only our individual selves, but the planet as a whole. In honor of our great Mother Nature, here are my 7 Steps Towards Sustainable Eating.

  1. Cut out processed foods: all of them! Eat close to the earth- think about how many steps went into processing a food, how far it travelled and what it is wrapped in. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains and plant-based proteins are the easiest and best choices for any meal. Eat vegetables, dairy and meats in WHOLE form. If it resembles only a small fraction of it’s original source- it’s processed. For example: “fruit” flavored cereals, “veggie” chips, chicken nuggets- these are far removed from their original form-avoid these. If there is no ingredient label or only one ingredient listed- you’re golden! Take these single ingredient items, combine them to create something healthy.

  2. Go for organic, as often as you possibly can. This includes dairy, eggs, meats, plant-based proteins, grains and produce. Eating organic does send a message: that you care about soil health, animal well-being and the human lives who live and work in the field.

  3. Create a sustainable plate: Half your plate should be fruits and vegetables.

  4. Eat meat and animal products sparingly for a variety of ecological reasons: including carbon emissions, sewage run-off and the clearing of forests to make room for rangeland. As well, there are ethical issues around meat - the way the animals are raised, how they are slaughtered and the working conditions for slaughterhouse employees. If you must have meat, look for meat raised in regenerative and sustainable ranches without the use of hormones, cages, confinement or antibiotics.

  5. Minimize plastic packaging by using cloth bags, glass bottles to store bulk foods, and silicone bags for storing.

  6. Shop locally and eat with the seasons: farmers markets, community-supported agriculture and local meat producers. Even better: grow your own food! Gardening is fun, easy, good exercise and great for the environment. The closer your food is grown to your home, the less of an impact your food choices will have on the environment. Planting an organic garden creates healthy soil, sequesters carbon and results in amazing, fresh meals. Eating produce that is grown in season also minimizes fossil fuel use, boosts your gut microbiome and supports local agriculture.

  7. Minimize food waste. Compost! Plan meals so that you have enough for leftovers the next day- batch cooking helps minimize waste and landfill. Do not throw food waste into the trash- place it in a compost bin so it can be repurposed and become life-giving soil. If your town doesn’t offer composting services, look into creating your own worm or traditional compost bin. If you need tips and resources please contact me.
