The Importance of Nutrition During A Pandemic

In times of chaos and confusion, often the truth does not rise to the top of the news feed. While many are advocating for a variety of supplements to prevent COVID19, many of these recommendations are unproven scientifically see this article on Medical News today. The truth is to understand that the best way to stay well is to eat well. Many, many of the co-morbidities we hear about as being significant indicators of poor outcomes during COVID-19 infection are diet-related. These include: heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. I am thrilled that more Americans are realizing that staying healthy means adopting a lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise and that plant-based diets are often the best way to avoid these risk factors for COVID19 mortality. Rather than reaching for a pill, think about reaching into the produce aisle at your local market and making choices that will prevent disease and help create habits of wellness. Making your diet plant-forward is one step towards keeping your immune system at its peak. My top recommendations: berries (any kind, but organic if possible), apples, cruciferous vegetables (red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), nuts, whole grains (farro, brown rice, spelt, organic oats, buckwheat), greens (kale, spinach, lettuce greens, broccoli sprouts to name a few), beans and legumes, flaxseed, spices (especially turmeric and ginger), teas (hibiscus and green teas), and any other fruits and vegetables you enjoy. Add some fermented foods to boost your probiotic intake with kombucha, kimchi or fermented soy foods. With all this wonderful food, what’s left to avoid? Avoid: animal dairy (cheese, milks, butters), animal meats, processed foods, deep fried foods, salty foods (which are usually also processed foods), cured meats and overconsumption of alcohol.

Fruits, vegetables, spices, teas, whole grains and legumes have a protective effect against a variety of diseases (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity) and are shown to boost your body’s immune function while decreasing inflammation. While there are countless downsides to continuing a traditional, processed Western diet, there are only upsides to adopting a plant-forward lifestyle. If we’ve learned one thing during this COVID19 pandemic- the most important tool we have against disease is health. Prioritizing good nutrition is the first, and one of the most important, steps towards wellness that we can take.

A quick Nutrition Knowledge-approved day of meals includes: a bowl of organic oats with almond or oat milk, topped with berries and toasted nuts and a drizzle of honey. Lunch is avocado toast with tomatoes, chives, slices of pickled beets and a layer of greens, topped with ground flaxseed, on whole grain bread. Dinner, a vegan lentil dal made with kale, Indian spices and coconut milk. Try this recipe from my friends at I often double dinner recipes so we have enough for lunch the next day.

Need some knowledge as to how to get started? Contact me for a personalized meal and health plan.

Khristine Holterman