Portion Distortion: Gain Control Over How Much You Eat!

The key to maintaining or losing weight is regulating your food intake.

Sounds easy enough, right?

However, in our large-portion-obsessed society how much we think we eat is often wildly different from what we are actually consuming.  

That mound of pasta on your plate could be 3-4 servings instead of one. The chicken breast stuffed with cheese is usually at least two servings and when combined with the side of fries, several slices of bread and dessert, your lunch or dinner can easily take on a full day’s worth of calories.

The average woman needs about 2000 calories per day to maintain weight and health. Eating MORE  than you burn through exercise and activity is what leads to weight gain. Even 100 extra calories a day can equal 10 pounds gained over one year!

Eating at home, cooking your own food and controlling what and how much you eat is ideal. Eating out–even at the sandwich or salad bar–is where we can get into trouble.  There are, however, a few ways to keep those  portions under control:

1.  Start your meal with a broth-based soup. Studies have found that people who consume 6 ounces of a broth (not cream)-based soup before diving into appetizers and an entree,  consume 20 % fewer calories over the course of their meal.

2.  When eating out with friends consider splitting an entree – usually half of a regular size meal is more in line with correct portion sizes.

3.  Order an appetizer instead of an entree. Often appetizers can be as filling and nutritious as an entree and are smaller in size and calories.

4. Skip the bread before a meal.

5. Have a healthy snack before you head out for a holiday or cocktail party.  Vegetables with hummus, a small peanut butter and honey sandwich or a cup of yogurt before you leave the house will keep you from feeling famished and/or tempted by high-calorie party foods,  and prevent over-eating.

6. Order fruit for dessert.

7.  Protein for breakfast: studies have shown that individuals who consume protein for breakfast consume on average, 250 fewer calories over the course of a day.

8.  At home, use a smaller plate – you will naturally serve yourself less and therefore consume less.

9.  Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, one quarter with a protein and the remaining quarter with a whole grain food.

10.  Brush your teeth after you eat!  This simple act will help remove the hunger cues that cause us to over-consume.